92nd Annual Congregational Meeting | 2022
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Call to Order Church Council President, Diane Hughes
Establishment of a Quorum
[20% of confirmed “adult” members on our Church Roll who have communed and made a contribution of record in 2023 or 2022.]
Opening Prayer One of the Pastors
Approval of “Notes” of 89th Annual Meeting, March 3, 2020:
89th Annual Congregational Meeting: Last Sunday (on the alternate date) our congregation: (1) approved “Notes” from our 88th Annual Meeting on January 27, 2019 and Minutes from a Special Congregational Meeting on December 15, 2019 (two property expenses); (2) elected Veronica Britto, Monroe Daniel, Diane Hughes, and Judy West to three year terms on Church Council; (3) voted to have another Congregational Meeting in 6 months so that people could talk about more issues; (4) adjourned with humbled hearts, linked hands, and the Lord’s Prayer. [Church Bulletin, March 8, 2020]
Report of the Pastors Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond and Neil A. Bond
Election of Church Council members
[Vote for EIGHT persons, elected to a designated 1, 2, or 3-year term. We want to regularize the schedule of Council terms after the COVID-19 interruption.] Click to download your ballot.
Financial Report + Proposed 2023 Budget Finance Chair, Ben Shipanga
Adoption of 2023 Budget
Other Business
Adjournment and Closing Prayer
May it be said of our personal and corporate ministry, “They have preached the Gospel to the poor, they have brought healing to the sick in Jesus’ name, they have preached deliverance to the captives, the recovery of sight to the blind, they have given new life to the broken hearted, and they have set at liberty those who are bruised. They have faithfully proclaimed in word and deed the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.” We – together with all the faithful on earth – are Christ’s mind, heart, hands, lips, and feet in a world that is searching, thirsting, and desperate.