ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 9-3-23
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
PENTECOST 14 / Labor Day Sunday 09-03-2023 Welcome to worship. In last week’s Gospel reading, Peter seemed to be walking on water once more with his great confession, but this week he is falling through thin ice. Last week he was commended by Jesus, but this week he is blasted. Last week Peter was a “rock of faith”, but this week he is a “stumbling block”. And last week we might have willingly picked up and courageously carried our cross, but this week we could just as well lay it aside. There is a Satan in each of us, as we too set our mind on human things rather than divine things. As you check out what’s on your mind and in your heart, remember this: What this world has to offer is really nothing in comparison to the life that Christ offers. But the only way to this life is under the burden of a cross and following behind Jesus. “God forbid it, Lord!” that we would keep ourselves from risking our lives following Jesus in the path of self-giving service… thereby losing our lives to this world’s fading treasures and fleeting pleasures. Your best opportunity to truly live won’t come through self-centeredness and self-promotion but through Christly self-denial and courageous cross-bearing. May you and I never be a stumbling block to God’s mission of love extended to all.
10:00AM + PENTECOST SEASON WORSHIP + (in person and online)
Our All Saints Choir is on a brief break.
Today we are grateful to our former “8:30AM Choir” singers for song selections. The songs of God’s people unite us together, touch us deep in our souls, and fuel our faith!
“Trudi’s Challenge”
At our 92nd ANNUAL MEETING OF ST. PETER’S (February 26), Trudi Wright suggested that 70 people giving an extra $143.00 in regular giving during calendar year 2023 would add about $10,000 to our Budget Income, taking care of our anticipated $7,322 deficit and creating a small surplus for 2023. Pastors Gwen and Neil liked that idea. If you would like to join in that quest, please designate such extra giving as “Trudi’s Challenge”. But it will blend with other general giving toward our 2023 Budget needs. Received to date since February 26: $2,094.00. Lord, let me steadily walk your path. Help me to give witness to your love through generous giving!
Join our family, share God’s love, and grow in discipleship.
There is no better life than LIFE IN CHRIST.
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes (volunteer office administration).
Wednesday, 10:30AM Senior Ministry “Games and Social Activity” in Rhoda Hall.
Wednesday, 11:00AM Whole Foods fresh produce distribution
Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!
Friday, 8:00AM Senior Food Box distribution.
Friday, 6:30PM Girl Scouts return to St. Peter’s. Welcome back!
Saturday, 10:00AM Women’s Ministry “Gathering” in Rhoda Hall and also online.
Giving in 2023.
Those in the Sanctuary can put their offering in the offering plate to share their gratitude and generosity in response to Christ’s love. Those who are farther away might mail a check or money order to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138… contribute online through bit/ly/stpetersgiving and set up one time donation or recurring weekly gift to selected categories…or text to Give+ at 833-914-0896 and follow the instructions to register and record your contribution.
Last Sunday’s offering tally (money given in the sanctuary or mailed, but not online giving) also included:
$ 10.00 — ELCA World Hunger Appeal, $1641 received to date in 2023.
$ 5.00 – Lutheran Charities Appeal, $821 received to date in 2023.
$100.00 – Mission Offering (Mothers in Charge, Inc., an anti-violence organization), $376 received to date.
$550.00 – Lutheran Disaster Response (Maui Wildfires), $575 received to date.
What’s Happening…
September 10… PENTECOST 15. Grandparents Sunday.
September 10… “Youth Revival” at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 3:00PM.
September 11… CHURCH COUNCIL meeting “in person”, 7:00PM.
September 12… Area Girl Scout leaders meeting in Rhoda Hall, 7:00PM.
September 23… “Career Day” sponsored by our Scholarship Committee.
September 24… Synod “Mardi Gras” ELCA Youth Gathering event at United Lutheran Seminary, 6-8PM.
September 30… YOUTH MINISTRY “Car Wash” for ELCA Youth Gathering.
October 14 -15… 38th Annual Women’s Day at St. Peter’s!
Theme: “Breaking the Chains of Silence!” See Proverbs 31:8-9 and Psalm 107:13-14.
Selected Color: blue (Please remember this is a suggested clothing color, but not required.)
PRAYER BREAKFAST on Saturday at 10:00AM.
WORSHIP & MEAL on Sunday at 10:00AM.
Lord, show me your way, teach me to love, and give me the courage.
Labor Day weekend is a time when Christians might celebrate the dignity, passion, and purpose of work and remember the achievements and rights of all workers… a time when we might take the opportunity to reflect on what we have done or plan to do with our own precious lives here on earth in order to experience deeper meaning and satisfaction beyond just making a living or storing up treasures… and a time when we might grasp onto the challenge to act on behalf of the most vulnerable, including migrant workers, enslaved laborers, those who seek employment to supply basic needs, and all who live in poverty. God wants each of us, not just to have a job, but to have a vocation – a calling – through which we can serve the world and help create a beloved community.
Gracious God, we thank you on this Labor Day for the blessing of work. Help us to realize how interdependent we are in our living and our laboring. Help us to understand that, job or no job, we all have worth as human beings. We ask for strength to complete each day. We ask for rest when we are weary. We ask your guidance for all who are seeking employment. We pray for those who are overworked and underpaid, those who have dangerous jobs or poor health care. Whether we are being compensated by paycheck or just by the satisfaction of an unpaid job well done, help us all to labor for your goodness and your glory in our daily living. “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31) Amen.