ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 8-20-23
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
PENTECOST 12 08-20-2023 Welcome to worship. As we apply today’s Gospel to ourselves, which does God prefer: clean hands or a clean heart? As we apply today’s Gospel to others, who is to be included and who is to be excluded from the Kingdom of God? In a world where some people count and some people count for nothing, Jesus offers a new calculation – one that finds fulfillment in an INCREASINGLY INCLUSIVE CIRCLE OF MUTUAL RESPECT, ACCEPTANCE, AND LOVE. A “clean heart” will always dissolve old distinctions, erase old barriers, and reach out with open hands to embrace and welcome others. And a real church will always be more than a fortress to protect those “inside” from those “outside”… it will be a gathering place, a place for sinners, a place of acceptance and welcome, an inclusive place for all to come and meet God. If Jesus could have a change of heart and mind, then so can we!
10:00AM + PENTECOST SEASON WORSHIP + (in person and online)
Our All Saints Choir is on a brief break.
Today we are grateful to Maliek Patterson and Ida Swindle for song selections. The songs of God’s people unite us together, touch us deep in our souls, and fuel our faith!
Pastor Gwen is leading worship as a “supply pastor” at Saints United Lutheran Church for Pastor Robert Hopkins this morning.
“Trudi’s Challenge”
At our 92nd ANNUAL MEETING OF ST. PETER’S (February 26), Trudi Wright suggested that 70 people giving an extra $143.00 in regular giving during calendar year 2023 would add about $10,000 to our Budget Income, taking care of our anticipated $7,322 deficit and creating a small surplus for 2023. Pastors Gwen and Neil liked that idea. If you would like to join in that quest, please designate such extra giving as “Trudi’s Challenge”. But it will blend with other general giving toward our 2023 Budget needs. Received to date since February 26: $2,094.00. Lord, let me steadily walk your path. Help me to give witness to your love through generous giving!
Giving in 2023.
Those in the Sanctuary can put their offering in the offering plate to share their gratitude and generosity in response to Christ’s love. Those who are farther away might mail a check or money order to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138… contribute online through bit/ly/stpetersgiving and set up one time donation or recurring weekly gift to selected categories…or text to Give+ at 833-914-0896 and follow the instructions to register and record your contribution.
You are also invited to give through St. Peter’s to:
- ELCA World Hunger Appeal (direct aid and development throughout the world, our nation, and our local communities… $1,631 has been received in 2023);
- Lutheran Charities Appeal (support of three local social ministry organizations that serve over 30,000 neighbors in need… $801 has been received in 2023);
- Mission for July 1 – December 31 (Mothers in Charge, Inc., a grassroots Philadelphia community of women who have lost loved ones to violence and who seek to advocate for violence prevention and to give support to youth, young adults, families, and communities affected by violence… $135 received to date)
+ Join our family, share God’s love, and grow in discipleship. +
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes (volunteer office administration).
Wednesday, 10:30AM Senior Ministry “Games and Social Activity” in Rhoda Hall.
Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!
Friday, 7:00PM YOUTH MINISTRY MOVIE NIGHT. All ages! Free popcorn! Free drinks!
Free admission! Free folding chair to sit in! (Nope… we don’t have those plush recliner theatre seats.)
What’s Happening…
August 27… PENTECOST 13. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM (in person and online).
September 8… Girl Scouts return to St. Peter’s at 6:30PM!
September 9… Women’s Ministry “Gathering”, 10:00AM.
September 10… PENTECOST 15. Grandparents Sunday.
September 10… “Youth Revival” at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 3:00PM.
September 11… CHURCH COUNCIL meeting “in person”, 7:00PM.
September 12… Area Girl Scout leaders meeting in Rhoda Hall, 7:00PM
October 14 -15… 38th Annual Women’s Day at St. Peter’s!
Theme: “Breaking the Chains of Silence!” See Proverbs 31:8-9 and Psalm 107:13-14.
Selected Color: blue (Please remember this is a suggested clothing color, but not required.)
PRAYER BREAKFAST on Saturday at 10:00AM.
WORSHIP & MEAL on Sunday at 10:00AM.
Come and join in the worship and table fellowship with sisters and brothers of faith!
Begin to make a list of who you plan to invite!
“CREATED TO BE”, July 2024.
Yesterday there was a YOUTH MINISTRY planning meeting for the national Lutheran Youth Gathering, preceded by the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (Grades 8-12) in New Orleans, July 13-20, 2024. And new for this gathering is the Young Adult Gathering (Ages 18-35), also in New Orleans. Interested? Want to find out more? Want to help plan and prepare? Have some fundraising ideas or skills? Come to the next meeting or speak to Pastor Gwen.