ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 7-16-23
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
PENTECOST 7 07-16-2023 Some hearts are like soil on a path, and the seed of faith is easily snatched away. Some hearts are like rocky ground, and the seed of faith has but shallow roots and is scorched by the heat of the sun. Some hearts are like thorny ground, and the seed of faith gets all tangled up and choked out by weeds. But some hearts are like good ground. Sisters and brothers, you have to be good soil to be Christ’s faithful and fruitful disciple. Pray each day for your heart to be good soil. We have to have deep, deep roots of the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in order to bear the fruit that will feed God’s children. Developing roots takes time. It requires patience. An open and receptive heart, honest effort to stay connected and to be nourished, and a commitment to stretch out, to blossom, and to yield results can only help produce more than we could ever imagine. Member or visitor, baptized or not, may you be and become good and productive soil. If you truly want to be a Christian in your heart, Jesus can make you one! If you really want your faith to grow, God can do it! And if you sincerely try to serve Christ, something good is gonna come from it – inside of you and all over around you in others! There’s gonna be some fruit!
9:00AM All Saints Choir warm-up.
10:00AM + PENTECOST SEASON WORSHIP + (in person and online)
11:20AM All Saints Choir rehearsal.
- PETER’S CHURCH COUNCIL (7/10): (1) approved 6/12 Council Minutes; (2) celebrated half-year financial report that January – June 2023 Budget Income was $90,478.77, and Budget Expenses totaled $92,127.77 (a small operating deficit!); (3) affirmed further discussion of a bid to replace two narthex windows and related exploration of the cost of painting deteriorated windows [Note: As of 6/30/2023 we have received $4,580.13 in “Window Money” through fundraising events and a few additional contributions!]; (4) selected Mothers in Charge as our Mission Offering for July 1 – December 31; (5) received Pastors’ report and Property Committee report; (6) had general discussion about attire and behavior during Sunday morning worship in the Sanctuary, recognizing that the times and societal guidelines have changed. Church Council is not scheduled to meet in August unless there is a specific need (such as window replacement and painting of windows)
“Trudi’s Challenge”
During our 92nd ANNUAL MEETING OF ST. PETER’S (February 26), Trudi Wright suggested that 70 people giving an extra $143.00 in regular giving during calendar year 2023 would add about $10,000 to our Budget Income, taking care of our anticipated $7,322 deficit and creating a small surplus for 2023. Pastors Gwen and Neil liked that idea. If you would like to join in that quest, please designate such extra giving as “Trudi’s Challenge”. But it will blend with other general giving toward our 2023 Budget needs. Received last Sunday: $75.00. Total since February 26: $1,789.00. Lord, let me steadily walk your path. Help me to give witness to your love through generous giving!
YOUTH MINISTRY KICK-OFF RALLY was yesterday. Let’s continue to move forward away from the dreary times of COVID social distancing! Thanks to all who planned and participated!
The Rev. Wilmus Roger Randolph III, ordained on July 1, will be installed today as the Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, 7420 Walnut Street, Upper Darby 19082 at 3:00PM. And the Rev. Dr. Anthony L.D. Scott was called in April as the Pastor of Reformation Lutheran Church, 1215 E. Vernon Road, Philadelphia 19150. Let us pray up these two African-American servant leaders in our Lutheran denomination. Let us pray up all the churches, Lutheran and non-Lutheran, that seek to serve in our urban areas.
OOPS! Last Sunday our online worship was delayed, not by technology glitches but by good old schedule confusion. We’re so grateful that persons were willing to stay on or return a bit later.
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes (volunteer office administration).
Wednesday, 10:00AM Senior Ministry “Bible Study” in Rhoda Hall.
Wednesday, 11:00AM Whole Foods fresh produce distribution.
Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!
Saturday… Registration deadline for Bear Creek Camp!
What’s Happening…
July 23… PENTECOST 8. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM (in person and online).
July 29… YOUTH MINISTRY “GET FIT + BE LIT!”, noon – 2:00PM.
July 30… PENTECOST 9. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM (in person and online).
August 6… BEAR CREEK CAMP Session 8 begins.
August 7… Senior Food Box distribution ministry, 8:00AM.
Mission Offerings
Covenant House (January 1 – June 30). Thank you, members and friends, for giving over $647.20 for the first two quarters of 2023! Covenant House of Philadelphia provides shelter, food, immediate crisis care, and other services to homeless and runaway youth in and around our city to help them get off the streets, into a job, and transitioned into independent living. In 2022, Covenant House reached out to 910 young people through its core programs and services. Mothers in Charge, Inc. (July 1 – December 31). Now we are seeking to help support this grassroots Philadelphia community of women who have lost loved ones to violence. They are a violence prevention, education, and intervention-based organization that advocates and supports youth, young adults, families, and communities affected by violence.
Lutheran Charities Appeal
Four times a year (January, April, July, October) we promote support of three local social ministry organizations as they serve over 30,000 of our neighbors in need: KenCrest Services; Lutheran Settlement House; and Gemma Services (which includes Silver Springs/Martin Luther School). Give help and hope!