This Week at St. Peter’s | 5-7-23
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
Just where are we going? In our personal trek from womb to tomb, there are so many paths we might take. Far too many persons just wander mindlessly, follow the well-worn paths of the crowd, or become fascinated with short cuts and the fast track… but experience teaches us that those aimless paths are just a series of wrong turns and that those easy paths often lead to dead ends. But there is another way. And we already know it. If you don’t want to get lost, choose Jesus Christ as “the way” and keep at it. In Jesus the human journey becomes intentional, compassionate, and meaningful – a pilgrimage toward holiness, toward God, toward real life. And ultimately, as Jesus assures us, we are “going home”, for GOD HAS A PLACE FOR US.
9:00AM All Saints Choir warm-up.
10:00AM + EASTER SEASON WORSHIP + (in person and online)
11:20AM All Saints Choir rehearsal.
“Trudi’s Challenge”
During our 92nd ANNUAL MEETING OF ST. PETER’S (February 26), Trudi Wright suggested that 70 people giving an extra $143.00 in regular giving during calendar year 2023 would add about $10,000 to our Budget Income, taking care of our anticipated $7,322 deficit and creating a small surplus for 2023. Pastors Gwen and Neil liked that idea. If you would like to join in that quest, please try to designate such extra giving as “Trudi’s Challenge”. But it will blend with other general giving toward our 2023 Budget needs. Received last week: $5.00. Total since February 26: $1,382.00. Lord, let me steadily walk your path. Help me to give witness to your love through generous giving!
Giving in 2023.
Those in the Sanctuary can put their offering in the offering plate to share their gratitude and generosity in response to Christ’s love. Those who are farther away might mail a check or money order to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138… or give online bit/ly/stpetersgiving and set up one time donation or recurring weekly gift to selected categories…or text to Give+ at 833-914-0896 and follow the instructions to register and record your contribution.
Join our family, share God’s love.
Ask yourself these four questions: (1) Do you believe that God loves you? (2) Do you believe that you are a sinner? (3) Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins? (4) Will you now trust Jesus Christ as your Savior and follow him as your Lord? Make this Easter Season your own personal resurrection victory. Let Jesus show you the way, tell you the truth, and give you new life.
Property Committee “Work Day”: Thank you, Monroe Daniel (Property Chair), Donald Stimpson (our newly hired Sexton), and Pastor Gwen for repairing some of our broken tables with screws and nuts; and for evaluating other tables for the discard pile. Let’s continue to repair and improve the property as a ministry resource.
Our sister in Christ and congregation member Fannie Thompson died this past week, and we look beyond the grave and our sorrow to the resurrection promise. As we continue to mourn the recent death of Shelia Marie Bradley-Vitruk, we now celebrate another life of faith and lift up in our prayers and hold in our hearts those family and friends who grieve.
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Monday, 7:00PM CHURCH COUNCIL meeting (in person).
Tuesday, 7:00PM Area Girl Scout leaders in Rhoda Hall, 7:00PM.
Wednesday, 10:00AM Senior Ministry “Bible Study” in Rhoda Hall.
Wednesday, 11:00AM Whole Foods fresh produce distribution.
Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!
Friday, 6:30PM Girl Scouts.
Saturday, 10:00AM Eastern Star training event in Rhoda Hall.
Saturday, 10AM – Noon Summer Day Camp registration.
Saturday, 11:00AM Women’s Ministry “Gathering” (Please note – on Zoom, not in person).
“Pop-Up Shop” We thank the vendors and volunteers who “popped up” to make this fundraising event possible, and we also thank those members, friends, and neighbors who “popped in” with their support, their attendance, and their finances. And thank you, Elaine Jones, for coordinating!
Our Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) met for its annual Assembly this past Thursday and Friday at Franconia Mennonite Church in Telford, PA. Our St. Peter’s congregation was represented by Riana Mathis, Carol Lee, Roland Thompson, Pastor Gwen & Pastor Neil. Our St. Peter’s member, the Rev. Robert Holum, was honored for 50 years of ordained ministry.
What’s Happening…
May 14… 6th SUNDAY OF EASTER. Mother’s Day. If we are not loving,
then we are not in a right relationship with God. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM.
May 20… Girl Scout event in Rhoda Hall, 10:30AM – 12:30PM.
May 20… Cliveden-Wister Al-Anon Anniversary in Rhoda Hall, 7:00PM.
May 21… 7th SUNDAY OF EASTER. Hybrid Worship in person and online at 10:00AM.
May 25… The ASCENSION OF JESUS. 40 days after he rose from the
dead, he disappeared into the heavens. What now?
May 28… DAY OF PENTECOST! A Spirit explosion of joy and power!
Hybrid worship at 10:00AM followed by shared FOOD, FELLOWSHIP, and FUN!
Pastor Clesha Staten will be our preacher.
June 3… Scholarship Committee “Po’ Folks Dinner and Designer Bag Bingo”. More info later.
June 11… BEAR CREEK CAMP SUNDAY. Come and meet some of the staff. Plan to attend a
week of Christian camp (completed grades 1-12) in the Pocono Mountains. Registration is
now open! Often our kids will choose Session 8 (August 6-11 this year).
July 11… Scholarship Committee “Bus Trip to Sight and Sound” in Lancaster. Contact Jerona Rice.