ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 3-17-24
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
+ Sacrifice +
We might think of our disciplines during Lent – giving, praying, fasting – as being rather small sacrifices. Most of us struggle with real sacrifice. We know it is noble. We respect it in others. The accounts of selfless women and men who have given their lives in defense of the weak brings tears to our eyes… yet we fear copying their example. We don’t feel up to the challenge. Even Jesus seemed to struggle as he entered Jerusalem for the last time to celebrate the Passover festival, anticipating crucifixion and admitting, “Now my soul is troubled.” Truly human, Jesus feared facing suffering and death. But he remained willing to sacrifice himself, to take those remaining final steps of his mission. Just as the grain must fall into the earth and undergo a death of form and substance, so also was it necessary for Jesus – and so also was Jesus willing – to die in order to bring the harvest of salvation and new life for the world. He understood the great challenge before him, the humiliation and the pain he would face. But he also understood his purpose, his mission, the necessity of his death; and he would not refuse it. The suffering and the death of Jesus were the climax of his ministry, but not the end. For by his cross we are all set free! You can receive the precious gift of new life from him by allowing your inner self to die, being willing to die to your own selfishness. The hour of his suffering has come. And so has the hour of your decision.
9:00AM All Saints Choir warm-up for worship.
10:00AM + LENTEN SEASON WORSHIP + (in person and online)
11:30AM All Saints Choir rehearsal.
Welcome to worship this morning, both in the sanctuary and also through technology. Thank you, Pastor Clesha Staten, for being among us to share God’s saving and challenging Word!
- PETER’S CHURCH COUNCIL (03/11): (1) received welcome and orientation from the Pastors as a new Church Council; (2) approved minutes of 1/18 Council meeting and 2/25 93rd Annual Congregational Meeting; (3) received a report from the Pastors; (4) selected Loaves and Fishes, South Africa for our Mission Offering; (5) voted to hire Gregory McDonald as our drummer in worship; (6) received mention of three ongoing property concerns: large church windows, door frame at Rhoda Hall stairs, Knapp Chapel. Pray for your elected servant leaders, pray for your church, and pray for the faith, the love, and the work we all share.
God’s great grace attitude of gratitude generosity!
Those present in the Sanctuary can put their offering in the offering plate to share their gratitude and generosity in response to Christ’s love. Those who are farther away might mail a check or money order to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138… contribute online through and set up one time donation or recurring weekly gift to selected categories… or text to Give+ at 833-914-0896 and follow the instructions to register
and record your contribution. God has blessed us to be a blessing!
Giving in 2024
Beyond support of our 2024 Budget ($179,787 is what we envision spending this year) are those opportunities for special giving on behalf of others. They include:
ELCA World Hunger Appeal (meeting international, national, and local hunger and poverty needs)
$240 received to date in 2024;
Lutheran Charities Appeal (assisting three local social ministry organizations – KenCrest Services, Lutheran
Settlement House, and Gemma Services – that serve thousands of neighbors in need
$267 received to date in 2024.
Mission Offering (For January – June we have selected Loaves and Fishes, Capetown, South Africa, suggested by Pastor Bob Holum after he had occasion to visit and interact there. It is a shelter facility and social ministry that works with homeless people to provide “spiritual, psychological, and material renewal”.)
$250 received to date in 2024.
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Every day… Women’s History Month. Remember. Celebrate. Step forward.
Monday, 7:00PM Scholarship Committee meeting on Zoom.
Tuesday… SPRING officially begins!
Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes, volunteer office administration.
Wednesday, 10:30AM Senior Ministry “Games and Social Activities” in Rhoda Hall.
Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!
Friday, 6:30PM Girl Scouts.
What’s Happening…
March 24… PALM PROCESSION / PASSION SUNDAY. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM.
God loved you enough to send Jesus, and Jesus loved you enough to be humble, obedient,
willing, self-giving, and executed. Our message will include a collection of monologues.
March 27… Whole Foods fresh produce distribution, 11:00AM.
March 28… MAUNDY THURSDAY Worship. Hybrid Worship at 7:00PM
We remember Jesus washing feet, breaking bread, offering the cup, betrayed, arrested.
March 29… GOOD FRIDAY Worship. Hybrid Worship at 7:00PM.
Volunteers for “7 Last Words of Jesus”?
We remember Jesus suffering, submitting, and dying to love us.
March 31… EASTER SUNDAY RESURRECTION. Still dead? No, he rose!
Hybrid Worship in person and online at 10:00AM. BAPTISMS! NEW MEMBERS! Speak to our Pastors.
There will be a meal (no cost) after worship, provided by Jerona Jackson-Rice. Please sign up.
Come and be blessed in worship… come and be blessed with food and fellowship!
April 1… Don’t be nobody’s fool, even on April Fool’s Day! Soren Kierkegaard wrote: “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true.” May you believe that God loves you and that you need God’s love. May you find peace, power, and promise in the GOOD NEWS message of Jesus Christ crucified and now risen among us. Stay Easter –alive!
April 5… Senior Food Box distribution ministry at 8:00AM.
April 7… 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER. Hey, is somebody at the door? Yes! Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM.
Eastern Star rental event in Rhoda Hall, 3:00PM.