ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 12-31-23
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
9:00AM All Saints Choir warm-up for worship.
10:00AM + CHRISTMAS WORSHIP + (in person and online)
11:20AM All Saints Choir rehearsal.
Some 2023 giving statistics (with today’s last Sunday to be added):
ELCA World Hunger Appeal, $90 last week, $2,683 received to date in 2023.
Lutheran Charities Appeal, $1,173 received to date in 2023.
The 3 Lutheran-related local social ministry organizations that we support serve over 30,000 of our neighbors in need: KenCrest Services; Lutheran Settlement House; and GemmaServices.
Mission Offering
For July – December we selected Mothers in Charge, Inc., a Philadelphia anti-violence organization. We have received $700.00 to date. (January – June Mission Offering was Covenant House of Philadelphia, servicing homeless and runaway youth. We received and have sent $647.20.]
Lutheran Disaster Response (Maui Wildfires, Palestine etc.), $575 received to date.
New Year’s Eve WATCHNIGHT. We won’t gather together for a meal and for worship this evening. But let us remember with gratitude the God who has led us and blessed us – far beyond our expectations. Let us leave the old year with clean hearts – putting our sins behind us by God’s grace and mercy. Let us begin the new year with confidence and joy – making the most of our life through the lordship of Jesus Christ over our thoughts and deeds, our words and our values, and our faith active in love. THE CHRISTIAN’S FUTURE IS ALWAYS AS BRIGHT AS GOD’S GOD’S PROMISES! HOLD ON TO GOD”S LOVE!
College and Career Student Sunday. Know of our continued prayers and love as you continue your journey. We are grateful for the work of our Scholarship Committee. And we are grateful for the presence, the faith, and the sermon of Minister Tiese Giles of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church this morning.
This past Friday we thanked God for the life and faith of our St. Peter’s church member Ruth Kearse, who completed her earthly journey on December 17. Ruth joined our congregation on January 22, 2017 as her congregation, St. Michael’s Lutheran on Germantown Avenue, closed. She was a nurse for 62 years! Victory through Christ!
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Tuesday, 6:00PM Oak Lane Wildcats young cheerleaders in Rhoda Hall.
Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes (volunteer office administration).
Wednesday, 10:00AM Senior Ministry “Study and Discussion” in Rhoda Hall.
Wednesday, 11:00AM Whole Foods fresh produce distribution.
Thursday, 6:00PM Oak Lane Wildcats young cheerleaders in Rhoda Hall, last day.
Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!
Friday, 8:00AM Senior Food Box distribution.
Friday, 6:30PM Girl Scouts.
Saturday, 9AM – 2PM Girl Scouts training event in Rhoda Hall.
What’s Happening…
January 7… Baptism of Our Lord (Epiphany Season). Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM. On this Sunday we remember both his baptism and our own.
January 8… CHURCH COUNCIL meeting on Zoom, 7:00PM.
January 9… Area Girl Scout leaders in Rhoda Hall, 7:00PM.
January 10… Senior Ministry “Games and Social Activities”, 10:30AM.
January 13… Rental event in Rhoda Hall.
January 14… EPIPHANY 2. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM.
January 15… M.L. King “Day of Service” at St. Peter’s.