ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 12-18-22

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

     2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138

      Church Office: 215-424-5122   Fax: 215-424-7841

                              e-mail address:

               Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors

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        Fourth Sunday of Advent                                         12 – 18 – 2022     




Even before the official wedding, a domestic crisis arises. She is with child, though they have not lived together or engaged in sexual relations. This is the beginning of shame that ought to end with her stoning. But Joseph is a good, kind, honorable, righteous man. And so he decides in his mind to divorce her quietly. But Joseph is also something else. He is trusting and courageous enough to be plunged even deeper into God’s mystery by an angel. And so – confused, anxious and willing – he will marry Mary and become the father of her child, and “that child will be named JESUS, because he will save people from their sins.” Are you ready for Christ’s mysterious new arrival in your own life? Are you ready to be changed? Are you willing to be led? IN THE UNPREDICTABILITY OF LIFE, HOLD ON TO THIS PROMISE: GOD IS WITH US, AND GOD WILL SURELY BRING SALVATION!


9:00AM            All Saints Choir rehearsal.

10:00AM           + ADVENT WORSHIP +

11:30AM           Brief training event for ushers.

11:30AM          CHRISTMAS CHOIR rehearsal. Add your voice to the joyful rhythms of

proclaiming Christ’s birth!

Our preacher this morning is the Rev. Clesha Staten, a member of St. Peter’s. We are grateful for her faith and for her proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ!

  1. PETER’S CHURCH COUNCIL (1212): (1) celebrated financial giving by members and friends of St. Peter’s in the month of November that helped reduce our 2022 Budget deficit from $9,606 at the end of October to $7,507 at the end of November (Let’s see what we can do in December, with just two more Sundays left to still make a difference!); (2) also celebrated the net profit of $786 from our “Thanksgiving Pie” fundraising event to benefit our Building Fund; (3) elected to have hybrid worship (both “in person” in the sanctuary and also “online” through Zoom and Facebook) on Sunday, January 1, 2023. (Please note that there will not be a New Year’s Eve “Potluck Meal” downstairs and “Watchnight Service” in the sanctuary on Saturday, December 31.); (4) received a Property report listing some tasks accomplished and some tasks yet to be done.

A heart that is open to God is a heart that is open to change and a new life.

Decorating the sanctuary for Christmas. It’s been several years due to COVID health concerns and restrictions. We are grateful to those who were able to come out and assist in the preparation! And we are also grateful for poinsettia plant sponsorships.


ThiS week At st. peTer’s

Wednesday… WINTER officially begins (December 21).

Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes, volunteer office administration.

Wednesday, 10:00AM            Senior Ministry “Bible Study”.

Wednesday, 10:30AM Whole Foods fresh produce distribution.

Thursday, 7:30PM             AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence.

Friday, 6:30PM Girl Scouts.

Saturday, 7:00PM       CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP. We will gather in the sanctuary “in person”

and we will also gather “online” via Zoom and Facebook.

Celebrate JESUS with singing carols, glowing candles, empowering communion, unlimited joy, and sustaining hope! 


What’s Happening…

December 25…  CHRISTMAS DAY. ZOOM Worship at 10:00AM. Worship the BEST GIFT ever! 

[Note that we will not be gathering in the sanctuary on this day.] 

January 1…  FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM. Continue the MIRACLE

 AND MYSTERY OF JESUS into the new year! Come into the sanctuary to be physically

 present or gather with us on Zoom. A new YEAR… a new YOU!

Join our family, share God’s love.


2022 is almost finished, and many are looking at their faith and at their finances. Beyond regular and responsible support of Christ’s work that happens at and through St. Peter’s, there are additional ways to give gratefully and to share generously: (1) World Hunger offerings that go to our national E.L.C.A. denomination World Hunger Appeal and help relieve local, national, and international suffering through direct aid, development, and advocacy; (2) Lutheran Charities Appeal offerings that support three Philadelphia metro area social ministry organizations: KenCrest Services, Lutheran Settlement House, and Gemma Services, together serving over 30,000 of our neighbors with varied needs each year; (3) Mission offerings that, in 2022, will be split between two causes: No More Secrets which addresses inadequate access to menstrual sanitary products and hygiene education in Philadelphia… and Covenant House in the Germantown neighborhood which helps get homeless young adults off the streets, into a job, and transitioned into independent living. Please designate the purpose of any of your monetary gifts.

No God, no peace.

Know God, know peace.