This Week At St. Peter’s | 10-30-22

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

                        2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138

      Church Office: 215-424-5122   Fax: 215-424-7841

                              e-mail address:

               Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors

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Reformation Sunday                                       10-30-2022

The focus of the readings for this day are echoed throughout Martin Luther’s writings – the relationship of law and gospel. Hearing the words today from the gospel of John, “If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed,” we are reminded of the words of another Martin, Martin Luther King Jr., and his inspiring words from his famous speech, “Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, I am free at last!” Both of these Martins, the earlier and the later, understood the radical grace of God in giving his only son to be put to death and raised to new life so that all – the very least to the presumed

greatest – might have eternal life with God in heaven. Both Martins understood this gift of grace so well,

in fact, that they preached this word in the face of threats to silence and kill them.

As long as sin remains in this world, we will face challenges to that word of grace and freedom, not only because of those who would keep us enslaved if they could, but also because of our own bondage to various powers, including this “thingdom” of power, prestige, and prosperity that our culture preaches and pimps as the good life. Today we celebrate restoration, renewal, and revival through the gift of God’s grace in Christ Jesus!   May each of us rediscover that no other life than LIFE IN CHRIST will save, satisfy, or sustain us. Find your freedom by grabbing on and holding on to Jesus!


9:00AM                   Choir rehearsal.
10:00AM                  + PENTECOST SEASON WORSHIP + 

Congratulations, joyous blessings, and sincere prayers to Regina Edwards and Lawrence Carter, married here this past Friday afternoon. May all marriages, families, and human relationships seek and experience mutual love, peace, strength and support, and abiding joy!

ThiS week At st. peTer’s

Wednesday, 7:00AM        New doors at the Briar Road entrance to be installed.

Wednesday, 10:00AM    Diane Hughes, volunteer office administration.

Wednesday, 10:00AM    Senior Ministry “Games and Social Activities”. Please note the time change.

Thursday, 7:00PM                    ALL SAINTS CHOIR rehearsal.

Thursday, 7:30PM                  AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence.

Friday, 8:00AM          Senior Food Box distribution.

Friday, 6:30PM        Girl Scouts.

Our Scholarship Committee is doing some fundraising through African American Expressions 2022 Christmas

Catalog orders. A first order will be submitted soon. Contact a member of the committee to get calendars, Christmas cards, stationery, pot holders, aprons, umbrellas, tote bags, shower curtains, puzzles, floor mats, ornaments, mugs, wall hangings, etc. Contact the Scholarship Committee.

Another fundraiser, Thanksgiving pies, will benefit our Building Fund. Pies and breads in various flavors are $25 each, must be ordered by November 12. Contact Sheila Vitruk ort Trudi Wright.


What’s Happening…                   .

November 6…   All Saints Sunday.  Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM. We remember and thank God for two Christian brothers of this congregation who have completed their life’s journey since last 

All Saints:  Paul Francis Vitruk and James Edward Bunch. 

November 8…   Election Day. Pray. Vote. Pray. 

November 12…   Eastern Star training event, 10:00AM.

November 12…   Women’s Ministry “Gathering”, 11:00AM.

November 19…   Eastern Star group packing Thanksgiving baskets, 12:00 noon.    

November 20…   CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM.

    We lift up the ultimate victory of Christ over death, sin, the devil, every evil and injustice!

November 23…   DAY OF THANKSGIVING. Give thanks, live thanks, share love.

November 27… FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT.  A new Church Year begins!



Beyond regular and responsible support of Christ’s work that happens at and through St. Peter’s, there are additional ways to give gratefully and to share generously: (1) World Hunger offerings that go to our national E.L.C.A. denomination World Hunger Appeal and help relieve local, national, and international suffering through direct aid, development, and advocacy; (2) Lutheran Charities Appeal offerings that support three Philadelphia metro area social ministry organizations: KenCrest Services, Lutheran Settlement House, and Gemma Services, together serving over 30,000 of our neighbors with varied needs each year; (3) Mission offerings that, in 2022, will be split between two causes: No More Secrets which addresses inadequate access to menstrual sanitary products and hygiene education in Philadelphia… and Covenant House in the Germantown neighborhood which helps get homeless young adults off the streets, into a job, and transitioned into independent living. Please designate the purpose of your giving. Someone once complained that all he ever heard around church was giving, giving, always giving. That’s an accurate description of Christianity. It all begins with what God has given us, especially in the gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ. And we, in turn, are called to be givers, offering our lives and our gifts.

We welcome all who have come to worship!

Join our family, share God’s love, and grow in discipleship.