ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 10-20-24
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
PENTECOST 22 10-20-2024 10
Welcome to worship. When Jesus asks, “ARE YOU ABLE to drink from my cup and to share in my baptism?”, James and John and you and I give a quick and short answer: “WE ARE ABLE.” What Jesus means is, “ARE YOU ABLE to be crucified like I am to be crucified, to suffer and to be rejected like I am to suffer and be rejected, to face disappointment and hardship and humiliation and death like I am? Can you walk like me, talk like me, love like me, and be willing even to maybe suffer and die like me?” Want to change your answer?
9:00AM All Saints Choir warm-up for worship.
10:00AM + PENTECOST SEASON WORSHIP + (in person and online)
11:30AM All Saints Choir rehearsal.
Gifted, grateful, good, generous, and glorious in our giving.
Beyond support of our 2024 Budget ($179,787 is what we envision spending this year) are various special opportunities for giving on behalf of others. They include:
ELCA World Hunger Appeal (meeting international, national, and local hunger and poverty needs)
$25 last week, $2,373 received to date in 2024. Your spirit of love is on the shine! In celebration of 50 years of this ministry that addresses hunger and poverty around the world and in our nation, please consider a $50 “anniversary gift” to help share God’s mercy and love.
Lutheran Charities Appeal (assisting three local social ministry organizations – KenCrest Services, Lutheran Settlement House, and Gemma Services – that serve thousands of neighbors with various needs)
$10 last week, $1,001.50 received to date in 2024. Your spirit of love is on the shine!
Mission Offering (For July – December we have selected a local ministry, the Sisters of Saint Joseph Refugee Housing Project, introduced to us by our young adult member Andrea Wood. Their work includes transitional housing for refugee resettlement, family support services, and a distribution center with needed household items and furniture. This Mission Offering, other monetary gifts, new and gently used items (they have a “wish list”, see the Pastors) and volunteer opportunities are all ways to respond to refugees in need with genuine love.) $10 last week, $308 received to date. Your spirit of love is on the shine!
Lutheran Disaster Response. Online, by mail, or through St. Peter’s, you can respond to hurricane relief.
- PETER’S CHURCH COUNCIL (10/14): (1) approved Minutes of 09-09-2024 meeting; (2) learned that our 2024 Budget continues to be in a deficit [January – September total Income was $126,927.24 and Expenses were $135,707.55. The deficit of almost $9,000 is not a panic situation, but we do pray for more gratitude and generosity from members and friends; (3) discussed Property issues (including seeking to replace failed 65” TV above the lectern side of the Sanctuary; (4) discussed several other minor items. Pray for your elected servant leaders, pray for your church, and pray for the faith, the love, and the work we all share.
39th Annual Women’s Day at St. Peter’s
Theme: “God’s Love Conquers All”
Romans 8:37-39 / 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 / Philippians 2:1-11 .
Guest Preacher: Minister Zola Lamback, King Solomon Baptist Church, 2318 Germantown Avenue.
Women’s Day Special Offering – Funds to be used to complete renovation of Knapp Chapel.
Offering and meal donations total to date: $1,637.
We thank God for the blessing of another celebration of Jesus and faithful women!
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Wednesday, 9:30AM Senior Ministry “Study and Discussion” in Rhoda Hall. Note the start time.
Wednesday, 10:30AM Whole Foods fresh produce distribution.
Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!
Friday, 6:30PM Girl Scouts troops meeting.
Saturday, 10AM – 2PM Scholarship Committee “Career Day”.
FAITH is possible in the most difficult of circumstances.
LOVE is the true call no matter what the world says.
What’s Happening…
October 27… Reformation Sunday. 10:00AM Hybrid Worship (in person and online).
October 31… The 3PM HALLOWEEN “Trunk or Treat Party” had to be cancelled due to a slow Department of Health application process. (St. Athanasius RC Church, 2050 E. Walnut Lane, is scheduled to have a “Trunk or Treat”, 5:30 – 7:30PM.)
November 3… All Saints Sunday. 10:00AM Hybrid Worship (in person and online).
We will remember and thank God for the lives and faith of those members who have completed their journey on Earth since last All Saints Sunday: Donna Jones, Ruth Kearse, Alicia Garrison, Ernest Lucas Jr., Daren Waite, and Joan Dezoice.
November 4… ELECTION DAY. Choose reality and hope over a witch’s brew of lies and hate.
November 9… Women’s Ministry “Gathering”, 11:00AM (in person and online).
November 9-10… Bear Creek Camp “What Really Matters” overnight, grades 6-9, $65, contact Pastor Gwen.
November 24… CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY. (Last Sunday of the Church Year)
***RAFFLE FOR 4 BOX SEATS, Sixers/Magic game
on 12/6/2024 at 7:00PM ***
SEATS, FOOD, DRINK ($2,000 total value) $20/raffle ticket
Drawing on November 24 after church service!
Supports St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of the West Oak Lane neighborhood.