This Week at St. Peter | 1-8-22

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138

      Church Office: 215-424-5122   Fax: 215-424-7841

e-mail address:

               Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors

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BAPTISM OF OUR LORD (Epiphany Season)                                                     01-08-2023

The story of the Baptism of Jesus – when Jesus is revealed as the beloved Son of God – is also a story about us. We come to the waters of the font – our Jordan River, our stream of promise, our refreshing springs of new life – drawn by the voice and grace of a loving God. We are washed by the Word, anointed by the Spirit, named and claimed as God’s beloved children, marked by love and set apart for service. With Christ we are chosen to proclaim God’s mercy in a suffering world, to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to those who are captive. With Christ we are made public witnesses to God’s will and justice. With Christ we are called to do good, to relieve the suffering of the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted. With Christ we are sent forth into the world as light and real love, as forgiveness for sin and as invitation to life with – rather than against – God. In 2023 you have a fresh start, a second chance, a new beginning to be faithful in your living and fervent in your loving. It’s who you are called to be and become in your baptism. Don’t lose your identity or your purpose as you journey through life.


9:00AM            All Saints Choir warm-up.


11:15AM           All Saints Choir rehearsal.

3:00PM           Youth Revival at St. Mark’s Lutheran, 6344 N. Broad Street.


Join our family, share God’s love.

Welcome to worship. We invite you to share in our new life together, which is being shaped by the good news of Jesus Christ crucified and now risen among us. Several persons have recently expressed an interest in being baptized or in affirming the faith into which they have already been baptized… and in either case becoming a member of our St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church family. Please speak to our Pastors if the Holy Spirit is leading you into this place and into this people.






ThiS week At st. peTer’s

Monday, 7:00PM CHURCH COUNCIL meeting on Zoom.

Tuesday, 7:00PM Area Girl Scout leaders in Rhoda Hall, 7:00PM.

Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes, volunteer office administration.

Wednesday, 10:30AM            Senior Ministry “Games and Social Activities”.

Thursday, 7:30PM             AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!

Friday, 6:30PM Girl Scouts.

Saturday, 10:00AM Eastern Star training event in Rhoda Hall.

Saturday, 11:00AM Women’s Ministry… we are still gathering in mutual support and service!

Saturday, 12:00 noon Rental event in Rhoda Hall.


What’s Happening…

January 15…   SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. Hybrid Worship in person + online at 10:00AM

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

St. Peter’s member Herbert Crawford will be our preacher.

January 16…  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 

January 18 – January 25…  Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. 

January 18…   Senior Ministry “Bible Study” 10:00AM.

January 18…   Whole Foods fresh produce distribution, 10:30AM.

February…  BLACK HISTORY MONTH. Discover. Celebrate. Commit to a brighter future.

            You are invited to wear Afrocentric clothing or appropriately messaged shirts this month.

February 5…   Pastor Jack Saarela “book launch” event at St. Peter’s, 2:00PM. He has written The Long and

Stony Road  about his experiences as a Lutheran pastor.

February 22… First day of LENT (Ash Wednesday).   


There are several ways to be generous, regular, and responsible in your support of Christ’s work that happens at, through, and beyond this St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church congregation. Those who are located nearby and physically present in worship can give their monetary offerings on a Sunday in the offering plate. [Remember that we are still awaiting our printed boxes of numbered envelopes, but we will have “generic” envelopes here at church or you can create your own, adding your name and/or old envelope box number.] Some who or far or even near mail their offerings (checks, etc.) to the church. Before COVID struck, we had fortunately also established text and online giving. Simply send a text message to 833-914-0896 and follow instructions to register and record your contribution. Give+Text is one of the fastest, easiest ways to give. Information is available on our Facebook page – With generous and grateful hearts, let us give back a portion of what has already been given to us, bringing glory to our Lord and peace and healing to the world.  


FAITH is possible in the most difficult of circumstances. 

LOVE is the true call no matter what the world says.