A Word from the Pastors – The Shepherd’s Voice
Still, in some places in our world, a shepherd stands, takes his or her staff, and speaks aloud. The shepherd speaks a word, or perhaps he/she calls out those names that have been given to individual sheep in the flock. The sheep that have been tended by that shepherd over many days and weeks cock their heads to one side when they hear and immediately begin to move out and to follow the familiar voice of their shepherd. If there happened to be other sheep in that area – perhaps, for example, another flock or two of one or more other shepherds all gathered around a watering hole, as in the days of nomadic herds traveling over opened territory – those other sheep would stay right where they are. Only the sheep who recognize their shepherd’s voice will move out, away from the others.
It is not just a voice they know… it is a voice they trust.
On “Good Shepherd Sunday”, that Fourth Sunday of Easter each year, we speak of God, we speak of Jesus the Son of God, as our Shepherd, our GOOD Shepherd. How will we know the Shepherd’s voice? Our days are filled with many voices speaking loud and conflicting messages to us, voices that beckon to us to trust and follow, voices that seek to lure us down paths that lead to danger or to nowhere. For example, if you had dared to trust our current U.S. President whenever he has tried to play “Research Scientist” and “Medical Doctor”… whenever he has trumpeted taking this particular drug or suggested drinking bleach or drinking Lysol or sticking a flexible light down your throat… or even as he has played his “Liberator” role to attack the very social distancing guidelines that he helped establish as “Commander in Chief in the war against the invisible enemy”… then you might not be around anymore to tell us that you listened to the wrong voice. Or, if you are so tired of politics, think about your own life’s journey. Think about those times when you may be listened to the wrong people, to the wrong message, to the wrong voices that were spoken to you, or even whispered from inside your own head… all those times when you wrongly trusted your way right into danger and despair
When we have experienced along our life’s journey the guidance and nurture and protection and promise of the God who has given us life, of Jesus the Savior who surrendered his life for us, we can follow in trust. May you continue to listen for the voice of the Good, Loving, Trusted Shepherd!
Can you hear God’s voice calling you, even by name?
Some states and some people have decided that they are tired of playing “pandemic”. But we encourage you to remain patient and disciplined, to listen to local and state and national medical guidelines (and not advice that is strictly politically or financially motivated). Continue to practice social distancing, continue to stay home, and safe and calm. Exercise your body and your mind. Get your food (but not too much) and get your sleep (not too little). And reach out to others by the varied communication media you have access to. These are challenging times for our bodies, minds, spirits, and relationships. We don’t know when we will all be physically together as a church, as family, as friends, as neighbors, as coworkers again… and we already understand that a “new normal” will evolve in our daily lives. Let’s do what we can to walk through shadowed valleys with our Good Shepherd! Let’s do what can to represent his love and his mercy and his concern and compassion to others!
Pastor Neil & Pastor Gwen