A Word from the Pastors | April 17, 2021

A Word from the Pastors

Church Council

Your elected servant-leaders gathered for a Zoom meeting on Monday, April 12. They will plan to meet again on May 10 for a Zoom meeting beginning at 7:00PM. Some notes from the April meeting:

    • Pastors Gwen and Neil talked about being humbled and joyful by the Holy Week Zoom worship experiences. Each of four worship services had numerous participants who helped serve as leaders and participants: Palm/Passion Sunday, 32 people; Maundy Thursday, 16 people; Good Friday, 13 people; Easter Day, 20 participants. They passed on information about the funeral for Etther White and spoke about the difficult decisions and regretful restrictions during this COVID-19 pandemic season that don’t allow for regular larger funerals in the sanctuary and reception meals in Rhoda Hall.
    • Ben Shipanga issued a summary financial report. Budget Income for January – March was $45,249.72 and Budget Expenses were $41,543.72. This is worth celebrating! Members and friends of St. Peter’s near and far, as well as neighbors across the street, around the corner, or down a block or two, have helped keep this community of faith financially sound. The Scholarship online event (“An Evening with the Bishop, Rev. Patricia Davenport,  and our Church Musician, Dennis Fortune” has received donations of $389.72 by the end of March. A first “partnership support payment” of $2,000 was submitted to our Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod early in April.
    • In-Person Worship. Our Church Council doesn’t yet have clarity regarding when this might start, but we continue to value safety, caution, and concern for each other. We briefly discussed having our customary outdoor “Pentecost Worship and Picnic” this year, but May 23 just seems to be too close… so we’ll celebrate the birth of the Christian faith together via Zoom and Facebook that day.  As mentioned previously, we are also exploring technological ways to have “hybrid” worship that will include both physical, in-person gathering and digital, online worship. We have some contributions for technology and are gathering proposals and estimates. And we also have some contributions for an initial professional cleaning. The sanctuary has remained empty and become dusty over the last year.
  • Property. (1) Doors, windows, and other trim inside the Church Kitchen were painted (Thanks, Tony! Thanks, Juanita!); (2) Large classroom ceiling was repaired (Thanks, Howard!), and the classroom will be painted this weekend; (3) Two sets of lower outside doors are not functioning properly (fully closing and securely locking) and ought to be replaced sooner than later.
  • Briar Road A.A. and Cliveden-Wister Al-Anon. Our two “12-Step” groups have inquired about

returning to meetings in the building. Church Council believes that, if numbers are kept low and masking and social distancing are practiced, then it might be possible to use the larger space of Rhoda Hall. The supportive discipline and fellowship of these groups is crucial to some persons.

Because HE died, you are Easter-alive! Stay safe. Stay sane. Stay in the Spirit. Know of our love for you. 

                                          Pastor Neil & Pastor Gwen