ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 7-30-23
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
PENTECOST 9 07-30-2023
Welcome to worship. Can you see your own potential when you look at the lowly mustard seed? Mustard seeds are just a little bit larger than sand. If you are not careful with it, a mustard seed can just slip between your fingers and be lost forever. But if you place that tiny seed in the right place where it receives the right nourishment, it will grow into a magnificent plant, a real blessing to others. You may look at what you have to offer God and feel that it is no greater than a handful of sand. But be careful. You do not want your gifts to fall to the ground instead of being planted like seeds of God’s Kingdom. In the right place with the right nourishment, your great potential as God’s child will be realized. The Kingdom of Heaven is like YOU, humble and grace-filled, believing and trying, growing and giving, taking the risk of discipleship, touching the lives of others and impacting the world. “Lord, let my heart be good soil, open to the seed of your Word.”
9:00AM All Saints Choir warm-up.
10:00AM + PENTECOST SEASON WORSHIP + (in person and online)
Our entire All Saints Choir has been fired.
In reality this is a false statement. They will be taking a short break during the four Sundays of August.
During August we will have soloists and/or combinations (maybe the return of our “8:30AM Choir” from years ago?). We are so grateful for their travel and time and effort Sunday after Sunday, joining together to eagerly sing the songs of the people of God… and adding much to our worship inside the sanctuary and, when the technology is right, even in our remote locations. And, thank you, Charlotte Webb, our Choir Director, for teaching, leading, and guiding us along the way. Singing in worship touches our soul, fuels our faith, and unites us together. Even if you never join a choir or sing a solo outside your bathroom shower, don’t underestimate the value of singing gratitude and praise to God, singing a lament or a prayer, singing encouragement and commitment to following Jesus in the path of servant love.
“Trudi’s Challenge”
At our 92nd ANNUAL MEETING OF ST. PETER’S (February 26), Trudi Wright suggested that 70 people giving an extra $143.00 in regular giving during calendar year 2023 would add about $10,000 to our Budget Income, taking care of our anticipated $7,322 deficit and creating a small surplus for 2023. Pastors Gwen and Neil liked that idea. If you would like to join in that quest, please designate such extra giving as “Trudi’s Challenge”. But it will blend with other general giving toward our 2023 Budget needs. Received last Sunday: $243.00. Total since February 26: $2,062.00. Lord, let me steadily walk your path. Help me to give witness to your love through generous giving!
Yesterday young – and some older – bodies stretched, danced, subtracted calories, and multiplied fun. Thank you to Stephanie and Timyk for suggesting and leading this! Watch for future opportunities.
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Monday, 7:00PM Scholarship Committee meeting (online).
Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes (volunteer office administration).
Wednesday, 10:00AM Senior Ministry “Study and Discussion” in Rhoda Hall.
Wednesday, 11:00AM Whole Foods fresh produce distribution.
Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!
Friday, 8:00AM Senior Food Box distribution.
The Senior Food Box Program is a monthly food package that works to improve the health of low- income seniors by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA foods. You must be at least 60 years of age and have a household income at or below 130 percent of the US poverty level. Beverly Quaintance and her late husband Ralph began our involvement in this program many years and at one time we were receiving over 100 boxes each month and had to “stagger” the distribution to justly reach a longer list of seniors in our community. We want to build up this ministry. Contact Frances Maddox (our new coordinator) or the Pastors.
What’s Happening…
August 6… PENTECOST 10. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM (in person and online).
August 6… BEAR CREEK CAMP Session 8 begins.
This year’s theme is “IN THE MIDST”. Our children will once again be blessed with a week of spiritual
growth, outdoor exploration (3,000 acres of forests, streams, and fields… 30 miles of trails), and small
group development at the wonderful outdoor ministry in the Pocono Mountains that is shared by the
Northeastern and Southeastern Pennsylvania Synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
August 19… YOUTH MINISTRY planning meeting for the national Lutheran Youth Gathering in
New Orleans in July, 2024.
September 10… Grandparents Sunday.
Giving in 2023.
Those in the Sanctuary can put their offering in the offering plate to share their gratitude and generosity in response to Christ’s love. Those who are farther away might mail a check or money order to St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138… contribute online through bit/ly/stpetersgiving and set up one time donation or recurring weekly gift to selected categories…or text to Give+ at 833-914-0896 and follow the instructions to register and record your contribution.
You are also invited to give through St. Peter’s to: ELCA World Hunger Appeal (direct aid and development throughout the world, our nation, and our local communities… $1,529 received to date); Lutheran Charities Appeal (support of three local social ministry organizations that serve over 30,000 neighbors in need… $789 received to date); and our Mission for July 1 – December 31(Mothers in Charge, Inc., a grassroots Philadelphia community of women who have lost loved ones to violence and who to seek to advocate for violence prevention and to support youth, young adults, families, and communities affected by violence… $20 received to date). Our January 1 – June 30 Mission, recently ended, was Covenant House of Philadelphia… $647.20 was received.
Lord, show me your way, teach me to love, and give me the courage.
+ Join our family, share God’s love, and grow in discipleship. +