ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 6-9-24

PENTECOST 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 06-09-2024

Welcome to worship. God shows love for us in creation, creating it good. But his love and his intent have been disrupted by our sin. It may be hard to explain sin’s origin way back in history, but it is easy to recognize its present reality in our lives and in the lives of others. Sin separates us from God, divides us from each other, and brings destruction both around us and within us. But sin does not have the final word – GOD does.  God’s love for you has been offered, demonstrated, and assured in Jesus Christ. HIS victory over sin, death, and the devil is YOUR victory. Start living your NEW LIFE by the power of the Holy Spirit today! If you make Sunday your STRONG day, then the other days will not be WEAK days. Try it all five Sundays in June.



  9:00AM         All Saints Choir warm-up for worship.

10:00AM       + WORSHIP CELEBRATION +  (in person and online)                   11:30AM        All Saints Choir rehearsal.  

3:00PM – 5:30PM     “Urban Ministry Resource Days” at Reformation Lutheran concludes.

The Altar Guild is a volunteer group of our congregation whose ministry is to care for the altar, the color paraments, communion vessels, altar linens, and other items. Some Altar Guild volunteers prepare the sanctuary for worship services each week for an entire month. Some Altar Guild volunteers clean up afterwards, following a schedule of once per month. In the giant religious enterprise of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem during the earthly life of Jesus, 18,000 Jewish priests and Levites (one of the Twelve Tribes, the one assigned special religious responsibility) worked in assigned shifts throughout each year to serve in and around the Temple. We wouldn’t need that many… but we could use a few more. Contact Armia Dennis or the Pastors to offer your service. Both women and men are invited to serve.

THE SEASON OF PENTECOST… Let the Church embody Christ’s Spirit!




Reaching out with dollars that become loving deeds.

Beyond support of our 2024 Budget ($179,787 is what we envision spending this year to bear Christ’s name, spirit, and mission) are those special opportunities for giving on behalf of others. They include:

    ELCA World Hunger Appeal (meeting international, national, and local hunger and poverty needs)

$10 last week, $1,198 received to date in 2024.

Lutheran Charities Appeal (assisting three local social ministry organizations – KenCrest Services, Lutheran

Settlement House, and Gemma Services – that serve thousands of neighbors with various needs)

$160 last week, $694 received to date in 2024.

Mission Offering (For January – June we have selected Loaves and Fishes, Capetown, South Africa,       suggested by Pastor Bob Holum after he visited there. It is a shelter facility and social ministry that works with homeless people to provide “spiritual, psychological, and material renewal”.)

$305 last week, $1,015 received to date with four more weeks to respond. Can we go even higher?

At current exchange rate, this amounts to 19,206.34 South African rand!


 ThiS week At st. peTer’s

Monday, 7:00PM   CHURCH COUNCIL meeting in Rhoda Hall.

Tuesday, 7:00PM       Area Girl Scout leaders in Rhoda Hall,

Wednesday, 10:30AM        Senior Ministry Senior Ministry “Games and Social Activities” in Rhoda Hall.

Wednesday, 6:00PM              Neighborhood “Bingo Night” in Rhoda Hall, $10.

Thursday, 7:30PM                  AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!

Saturday, 9AM – 2PM ELCA Youth Gathering “Car Wash” with hot dogs, other light refreshments (and meeting with Youth and parents). Help us raise those last few dollars at       the Car Wash… or by the “Giving Tree” on the Sanctuary wall.


What’s Happening…

June 16…  PENTECOST 4.  FATHER’S DAY. Preacher: Pastor David Maddox II. 10:00AM.

June 16 – August 9…  BEAR CREEK CAMP. Register now for a wonderful week of camp!

June 19…   JUNETEENTH (African American historical remembrance).

June 20…   SUMMER begins!

June 23… PENTECOST 5. SCHOLARSHIP SUNDAY. Preacher: Andrea Wood. 

July 13 – 20… ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Our group is getting ready for the journey in Christ!

Especially since 2007, the Christian community in Gaza (the oldest Christian community in the world) has faced political hardship, poverty, unemployment, persecution, and military conflict under both Hamas and Israel. The numbers dwindled down to an estimated 800 – 1,000 Christians who were still living in Gaza. Then came this recent violence and the continuing retaliatory revenge response. Some Christians have died, most are suffering, and all are holding onto hope. Pastor Mitri Raheb, an Evangelical Lutheran pastor there and a Palestinian Christian, said that this could be the final push that brings an end to Gaza’s ancient indigenous Christian community. Or could it be trial by fire to bring new beginnings through a small faithful remnant? As in all such situations of suffering and persecution, the future is uncertain. The people are beaten down. But they are not forsaken. Pray for peace and justice.


Upcoming Events

10:00 am Sunday Worship Service
Sunday Worship Service
Jan 26 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be gathering together for worship service on Zoom using the following information: MEETING ID: 5977365682 MEETING PASSWORD: 204934 You can also join us for...
10:30 am Whole Foods Distribution
Whole Foods Distribution
Jan 29 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Whole Foods Distribution Use entrance on Briar Rd. to access the lower classroom area. Need more information? Check out this event’s ministry page.
10:00 am Sunday Worship Service
Sunday Worship Service
Feb 2 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be gathering together for worship service on Zoom using the following information: MEETING ID: 5977365682 MEETING PASSWORD: 204934 You can also join us for...
8:30 am Senior Food Box Distribution @ St. Peter's Rhoda Hall
Senior Food Box Distribution @ St. Peter's Rhoda Hall
Feb 7 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Check out the Senior Food Program’s page for more information.
10:00 am Sunday Worship Service
Sunday Worship Service
Feb 9 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be gathering together for worship service on Zoom using the following information: MEETING ID: 5977365682 MEETING PASSWORD: 204934 You can also join us for...