ThiS week At st. peTer’s | 2-4-24

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138

Church Office: 215-424-5122   Fax: 215-424-7841

e-mail address:

Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors


EPIPHANY 5                                                                                                                                                                                     2-04-2024

Welcome to worship online or in person! It seems that everywhere Jesus goes, the sick are cured, demons are cast out, the lowly are lifted up, the brokenhearted are healed, the gospel is proclaimed, and life becomes new. JESUS IS ALL ABOUT THE GOOD NEWS OF GOD’S GRACE AND MERCY! How is it possible that we, the Church of Jesus – who sometimes ourselves feel abandoned or overwhelmed, in suffering or in sorrow, or just worn out and afraid – can shine that same Light of the World to others? Only by God’s grace and mercy in our own lives… and only by our humble willingness to serve. You have been blessed to be a blessing. Will you?



9:00AM         All Saints Choir warm-up for worship.

10:00AM       + EPIPHANY WORSHIP + (in person and online)  

11:20AM        All Saints Choir rehearsal.


Dennis Fortune, our keyboardist, is away today… thank you, Charlotte Webb, for “inviting friends” to fill in. And we are looking for a drummer to replace Herbert Crawford, who has recently departed St. Peter’s.

God’s great grace                       attitude of gratitude                       generosity!

If we adopt our proposed Budget for 2024 at our 93rd ANNUAL MEETING without any changes we will need our Budget Income to average $3,457.44 each of the 52 weeks. We can accomplish this! In 2023 we averaged $3,418.98 each of the 52 weeks. Let’s all stay faithful to the One we call our Savior and Lord. In changing and challenging times some congregations have the will but don’t have a way. Some congregations have the means but have lost the motivation. May we be a people that loves the Lord and loves to serve Him! God hasn’t brought us this far so that we could fail Him now! 

Join our family, share God’s love.

Are you ready to stop, look, and listen to God? Are you ready to live large? Speak to our Pastors about Holy Baptism, church membership, and the new life of faithful discipleship. God knows the good, the bad, and the ugly about you. You can run but you can’t hide. And, when you tire of running, God is right there, ready to embrace and love you. No one is ever too good or too bad for God’s love. No one.

Get life. Love Christ. Serve Christ. Live, love and serve others like Christ did.


ThiS week At st. peTer’s

Every day… BLACK HISTORY MONTH. Discover. Celebrate. Commit to the future.

Tuesday, 6:30PM                   Girl Scouts and parents (trip to Mexico planning).

Wednesday, 10:00AM Diane Hughes, volunteer office administration.

Wednesday, 10:30AM            Senior Ministry “Games and Social Activities”.

Thursday, 7:30PM AL-ANON PROGRAM. Find encouragement to end your own codependence!

Friday… St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is 94 years oldWoo Ha! 

Friday, 6:30PM             Girl Scouts.

Saturday, 11:00AM Women’s Ministry Gathering (Hybrid event).  “Assisting difficult journeys.”

Saturday, ? Rental event in Rhoda Hall.

93rd ANNUAL MEETING OF ST. PETER’S (in person and online) will be held next Sunday after worship.  (Alternate date: February 25 after worship). We will officially approve our 2024 Budget, elect Church Council, etc. We will need 50 adult “confirmed, communing, contributing” members of the Congregation to officially meet.

    • Please submit any written annual reports covering 2023 by tomorrow, February 5.
  • We are looking for persons willing to be considered to help lead and serve our congregation. Our Church Council is 12 adult “confirmed, communing, contributing” members of the Congregation normally elected to 3-year terms, with two consecutive terms as the maximum limit. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we did not have two Annual Meetings of the Congregation or elect new Church Council members. So some have willingly served beyond their initial term or the normal limit. We are seeking to get back into sequence. But we need persons willing to serve. Please speak to the Pastors or Diane Hughes. Help lead and serve!


What’s Happening…


You are invited to wear Afrocentric clothing or appropriately messaged shirts this month.

February 11…  TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM.
St. Peter’s ANNUAL MEETING after worship.

February 13…   Area Girl Scout leaders.

February 14… ASH WEDNESDAY, the first day of LENT. Return to the Lord with a humble heart! It’s also Valentine’s Day. Celebrate God’s undeserved and unmatched divine love!

12:00 noon “In Person” Worship + 7:00PM “Hybrid” Worship.

February 14…   Senior Ministry will meet for “study and Discussion” at 9:30AM!

February 14…   Whole Foods distribution of fresh produce, 11:00AM.

February 18…   FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. Hybrid Worship in person and online at 10:00AM.

February 24…   Rental event in Rhoda Hall.

February 25…   SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT. Hybrid Worship in person and online at 10:00AM.  Pastor David Maddox II will preach. [Alternate date for ANNUAL MEETING.]

Month of March… Women’s History Month. Remember. Celebrate. Step forward. 

LOVE is the true call no matter what the world says.