This Week at St. Peter | 11-20-22
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
2169 74th Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Church Office: 215-424-5122 Fax: 215-424-7841
e-mail address:
Revs. Gwendolyn Johnson-Bond & Neil A. Bond, Co-Pastors
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C Christ is King. His kingdom will have no end. All Christians look forward with hope and joy to the day when there will be perfect peace, perfect love, and perfect justice. On that day every tear will be wiped from our eyes. On that day we will experience the full splendor of the kingdom of heaven. Nothing, not even the vicious persecutions and inevitable struggles of this life, can overcome the victory we have already received when Jesus is our Savior and our King.
9:00AM Choir rehearsal.
11:30 AM Communion Assistant brief training session at the altar.
3:00PM “Holy Closure”, Bethany Lutheran Church, 401 Martin Street, Philadelphia 19128 (Roxborough and Manayunk neighborhood) will gather for its final worship. It has served as a congregation since 1845.
CHRISTMAS POINSETTIA PLANTS. After a “COVID break” of two years, we are again decorating our Sanctuary for Christmas with red, white, or pink poinsettia plants. To sponsor a plant in memory or in honor of someone or something, please submit an order form by December 11 to Pastor Neil or Pastor Gwen. This year’s plants will cost $9.00 each.
- PETER’S CHURCH COUNCIL (11/14): (1) approved minutes of 09/12 and 10/10 Council meetings;
(2) learned that January – October 2022 Budget Income was $138,978.48 and Budget Expenses were $148,584.84 (a deficit of $9,606.36 for the year, with two months to go); (3) received Property update: Briar Road entrance doors are installed, remaining payment due; two classroom security windows were broken (but no entry into building) and will be replaced; repair of large window in the rear of the sanctuary is still pending; (4) learned that Building Fund income for the first 10 months was equal to our expenses (both were about $8,800, which included first half of the $9,900 cost of new entrance doors at Briar Road, plus various property repairs; (5) affirmed the intent for an Annual Meeting including Church Council elections after the two year “COVID break”; (6) voted to change Christmas DAY worship on Sunday, December 25 to Zoom only (no in-person worship in the Sanctuary) with a Christmas EVE “Hybrid worship” (in person and also on Zoom) scheduled for Saturday, December 24 at 7:00PM.
ThiS week At st. peTer’s
Wednesday, 10:00AM Senior Ministry “Bible Study”.
Wednesday, 10:30AM Whole Foods fresh produce distribution
Thursday… DAY OF THANKSGIVING. Give thanks, live thanks, share love.
(Cliveden-Wister Al-Anon Group has decided not to meet this evening.)
FAITH is possible in the most difficult of circumstances.
LOVE is the true call no matter what the world says.
+ “Truly I tell you, today you will with me in Paradise.” +
On Monday, November 14 these words of Jesus in today’s Gospel became an experienced reality for the Rev. Dr. Richard N. Stewart, retired professor of communication and church administration at the Lutheran theological Seminary in Philadelphia, a wonderful African American pastor who served faithfully. Remember his wife Dawn, who has also served professionally in the Church, in your prayers.
Our Scholarship Committee is doing some fundraising through African American Expressions 2022 Christmas Catalog orders. A first order will be submitted soon. Contact a member of the committee to get calendars, Christmas cards, stationery, pot holders, aprons, umbrellas, tote bags, shower curtains, puzzles, floor mats, ornaments, mugs, wall hangings, etc.
Another fundraiser, “Pop-Up Shop and Flea Market”, scheduled for 1:00 – 5:00PM on December 10, will benefit our Building Fund. To secure a space or to get more information, contact Elaine Jones.
What’s Happening… .
November 27… FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM.
A new Church Year begins! LET’S WAKE UP AND GET READY FOR JESUS!
December 3… Women’s Ministry “Gathering”, 11:00AM. Christmas crafts and tea party.
December 3… Rental event in Rhoda Hall, 6:00PM.
December 4… SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Hybrid Worship at 10:00AM.
December 4… Worship honoring Rev. Jehu Jones (who established the first African American Lutheran congregation in 1834), held at Christ Lutheran Church, 7420 Walnut Street, Upper Darby, 3:00PM.
December 5… Property Committee meeting on Zoom, 7:00PM.
December 10… Eastern Star training event, 10:00 –11:00AM.
December 10… “Pop-Up Shop and Flea Market”, fundraising event, 1:00 – 5:00PM.
December 17… Decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. 9:00AM.
December 17… Girl Scouts “Investiture Service” in Rhoda Hall, 9:00AM.
December 17… Rental event in Rhoda Hall, 2:00PM.
December 18… FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Pastor Clesha Staten preaching.
December 24… CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP. Hybrid Worship at 7:00PM. Celebrate JESUS!
December 25… CHRISTMAS DAY. ZOOM Worship at 10:00AM. Worship the BEST GIFT ever!
Beyond regular and responsible support of Christ’s work that happens at and through St. Peter’s, there are additional ways to give gratefully and to share generously: (1) World Hunger offerings that go to our national E.L.C.A. denomination World Hunger Appeal and help relieve local, national, and international suffering through direct aid, development, and advocacy; (2) Lutheran Charities Appeal offerings that support three Philadelphia metro area social ministry organizations: KenCrest Services, Lutheran Settlement House, and Gemma Services, together serving over 30,000 of our neighbors with varied needs each year; (3) Mission offerings that, in 2022, will be split between two causes: No More Secrets which addresses inadequate access to menstrual sanitary products and hygiene education in Philadelphia… and Covenant House in the Germantown neighborhood which helps get homeless young adults off the streets, into a job, and transitioned into independent living. Please designate the purpose of any of your monetary gifts.