A Word from the Pastors | 4-29-21
A Word from the Pastors
We are almost to the end of April, 2021 as this is being written. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage across the face of this earth, taking the lives of many persons and radically affecting the physical, mental, and economic health of many more. In some places of the world the suffering is tremendous and heartbreaking, and the vaccines and medical resources are very limited – just like always happens when we seem to be engaged in a human “race” with winners and losers. Here in the United States, some people have been fully vaccinated and some social guidelines and government regulations have eased… but some people are remarkably still denying that there ever was a pandemic or that there is any danger to them personally or that they ought to be their “brother’s or sister’s keeper” by practicing respect and safe behavior for the sake of others… and some people are in limbo over whether to trust the vaccine, whether to get their second vaccine, etc. We pray that you are carefully considering your own health situation, that you are praying about whether you should get the vaccine, maybe considering what might be limitations on your travel, your entrance, or your participation if COVID vaccinations in certain situations are required.
A thought here for those who might worry about receiving the vaccines because some vaccinations have been linked to deaths. Pastor Neil’s father had a touch of colon cancer years ago, had a few cancerous polyps removed and – just “to be sure” – received two sessions of chemotherapy. He was quite sick after the first treatment and was hospitalized after the second treatment. He died just two days later because of an adverse reaction to the chemotherapy… his organs began to fail in succession… and my mother and I made the decision, based on Dad’s expressed wishes long before, to take him off of life support. The doctor said something like “It’s one in a thousand times that people die of the chemotherapy.” I don’t know about the accuracy of that statistic. (And Carlson, a former member of St. Peter’s who moved to Boston, lost his father in the same way.) But I do know that many persons are still deciding to have chemotherapy when their future health and continued life is at stake. Pastor Gwen and I are halfway through our vaccination protocol – next week we get our second shot. And our nephew will get his first shot next week.
We hope that you are continuing to stay safe, to stay sane, and to stay in the Spirit in these troubled times of COVID pandemic, systemic racism, polarized politics, and gun violence. Know of our love for you.
Central Philadelphia Conference
St. Peter’s is linked to some other Lutheran congregations in the City of Philadelphia. On Sunday, April 18 our conference gathered online for its “Spring Meeting”. Roland Thompson, Carol Lee, and Pastors Gwen and Neil officially represented our congregation. The agenda for the meeting was brief. We practiced online voting to assure that we could do it. Then we received Pastor Regina Goodrich’s nomination of herself to be re-elected as the Dean of our conference. There were no other candidates and she was re-elected.
Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
St. Peter’s is also linked to other Lutheran congregations and organizations in the Delaware Valley. Our annual Synod Assembly (we skipped 2020 because of COVID-19 concern and confusion) was held online on Saturday, April 24. Roland Thompson and Carol Lee officially represented our St. Peter’s congregation…Pastor Gwen was also officially present, while Pastor Neil was unofficially present, but not voting, on the same computer.
Some notes from the Pastors:
- Bishop Patricia Davenport cited the Negro spiritual to celebrate “We know that the Lord has made a way!” as we think about the struggles and challenges of the past year. She also cited Hebrews 11:1 – We are people of faith! – and Romans 8 – we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!
- Ms. Tracey Beasley, a member of neighbor Reformation Lutheran Church, was re-elected to serve as Vice-President of the Synod.
- A budget of $2,738,153 for fiscal year 2021, ending January 31, 2022, was approved.
A budget of $2,747,120 for fiscal year 2022, ending January 31, 2023, was approved.
- Reducing the size of our Synod Council from 31 people to 21 people was approved. was re
- The Rev. Philip Hirsch, the official ELCA representative to our Synod Assembly, thanked our Synod for giving $827,866 in mission support of the national denomination in 2020. He also spoke of the “Open Doors” venture of the ELCA that would provide grants to congregations and
organizations as they seek to renew activities and programs in the post-pandemic days that will ultimately arrive.
- Our Synod Treasurer, Mrs. Janet Neff, thanked congregations and individuals for giving $1,655,732 in mission support to the Synod for fiscal year 2020, ending January 31, 2021. She also shared that the Synod has done well recently with investments, particularly because of monies received, and property management costs eliminated, from the sale of six church buildings in 2019 and one church building in 2020.
- Various persons were elected to serve on Synod committees, national committees, or to travel as Synod delegates to the national ELCA Assembly.
Wasn’t that a powerful sermon from the Rev. Clesha Staten on April 25? Let’s continue to inhale
and exhale God’s Holy Spirit, and to walk through those death-shadowed valleys bearing love, seeking justice, creating peace.
The blessing continues. On Sunday, May 16 – it’s the Seventh Sunday of Easter, by the way our
Zoom preacher will be Sister Ramona Cecille Daily.
And we hope to have a guest preacher for Pentecost Sunday, May 23.
Our Youth, their parents, and other adult volunteers are already planning and preparing for the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN in July of next year. They are seeking to raise about $16,000 to make this possible. Youth from St. Peter’s have attended – and been transformed by! – these national youth gatherings of 25,000 or more kids, gathered together in the name and mission of Jesus Christ, over many years. But it takes a lot of fundraising. The first project is cheesecakes ($20 each). There are several flavors, all tasty. Order this weekend or by May 3… pick up curbside at the church on Saturday, May 8 (gift for Mom, perhaps?)… and enjoy. Think about sharing a slice of your cheesecake with someone. Maybe you will.
Pastor Neil & Pastor Gwen