A Word from the Pastors | 1-13-22
Church Council
Your elected servant-leaders gathered for a Zoom meeting on Monday, January 10, 2022. Some notes from that meeting:
- Minutes from the December 13 Zoom meeting were reviewed, slightly corrected, and approved.
- Pastors Neil and Gwen had no report.
- Finances. Ben was not present online… after the meeting we learned that he had been in great discomfort with back pain and had left a phone message for the Pastors.
- Annual Meeting. Because of the continued uncertainty and challenge of this COVID saga, we elected to remain in a “holding pattern” regarding scheduling an Annual Meeting of the Congregation in the immediate future. Pastors Neil and Gwen have asked current Church Council members who are able and willing to continue serving, in some cases beyond their elected terms. Ben and the Pastors have done some preparation of two different 2022 Budget scenarios (each one including some expense for a paid “Video Production Specialist”) that have yet to be presented to the Church Council. Our Congregation has been sustained by God’s grace through these stormy days, and we are ever so grateful for the participation and the financial support of members and friends and new friends!
- Women’s Ministry. A project of replacing the disintegrated carpet in Knapp Chapel, removing its broken piano and selling its electronic keyboard, removing and perhaps replacing the too-old love seat and sofa, painting the walls, and generally upgrading the space continues.
- Video Equipment Project. As reported several weeks ago, we believe that we have now completed all equipment purchase, installation, and preparation in our Sanctuary that will enable future “hybrid worship” that would include connection and interaction between our “in-person” worshipers and our “remote” worshipers… now we just have to learn how to operate what we have purchased and installed. Pastor Gwen has been contacting possible resource persons who might help us find a “video technician specialist” to hire, but that search continues. We do have a member or two in the Congregation expressing some interest in learning the tasks.
- Youth Ministry. Veronica reported that six St. Peter’s youth and four other youth from three black and urban Lutheran congregations have continued to meet together, fund raise, and ready themselves for the ELCA Youth Gathering
Pastor Neil & Pastor Gwen